Tuesday, 24 May 2011

The declaration makes it real.....God Help Me

Having followed my good friend Sam Robson's blog (constantforwardmotion.blogspot.com)I have decided to compile one of my own. Selfishly I hope that declaring my intentions to the world will ensure I don't lame out and the motivation stays strong.

Some of you will know that I have always been a bit stupid. A 125mile canoe trip is testament to that. I have never considered myself particularly fit and at my recent height hit 15st3llb. This weight jump was a steady thing following damaging my ankle. I had, prior to injury, been regularly running but never contemplated much more than 13 miles. Following a long slog of rehabilitating my ankle and inspiration of Sam and his training I am now living proofthat any idiot can aspire to achieve mad distances. I thank Sam for his encouragement and support to run and just focus on the running.

So my challenge is to show that running can take anyone from fat to fit. My Challenge will be over a series of legs (pun unintended) In September I will be running a marathon then another marathon at start of October followed by a half marathon, then another marathon and finishing with a 45mile ultra in November. The total distance will be 136.6 miles. I will be setting a total time I will be aiming to complete this within. I have not yet determined this but that will follow shortly.

I wanted to ensure that I could, in attempting this feat, offer some support to a charity. I have decided to try and raise money for St Wilfreds hospice, in Eastbourne. They provide respite and support to people with terminal cancer. It is a wonderful organization that is kept open, in the majority, by donations. This is a wonderful cause and close to my heart. Tragically Zoe's Grandfather died of cancer. He was a true gentleman and one of the most courageous men I have met. He fought the illness with dignity and determination.With the support of doctors and nurses at St Wilfreds as much of the fear as could be was removed.

When a doctor takes the time to sit with a man and tell him what it will be like to die you would have to be made of stone not to be touched by this.The effect of this effort, by the doctor, meant for Tim the battle was less scary and he could focus on enjoying the last few weeks he had on this earth. We will all treasure the time had with him. For a small part those last few weeks were not dominated by cancer. This was thanks to St Wilfreds staff, all of whom often go without reward or recognition.

It is hoped this challenge can go some way to repaying the hard work of the wonderful people at St Wilfreds. Let's hope I can show even a fraction of the determination that Tim showed in the final days of his life. If I can this should be a breeze ;). I will be setting up a just giving page. In the mean time thanks for reading a very long openning blog. I hope you will all track and enjoy. In the mean time all I can say is..... Run Fat Boy Run :)

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