Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Details!

Firstly I would just like to say how touched I am by the initial response to my plan. So I am now listing below the details of the events and the times I will be aiming for completion.

The first is on 24th September and is the Grafham Water Marathon. I will be aiming to complete this in 4hrs 30min

The second is on 2nd October and is the Loch Ness Marathon. I will again be aiming to complete this in under 4hr 30min.

On 9th October I will be competing in Peterborough Half Marathon and aiming to complete it in 2hrs

On 23rd October I will be competing in Beachy Head Marathon and am aiming to complete this one in under 5hrs

FINALLY........drum roll............

On 19th November I will be competing in Brecon Beacons Ultra, a 45mile run in the Brecons. I will be aiming to complete this in under 11.5hrs

A total of 136.7miles with a target time of 27.5hours

The only thing to do now is raise the training bar. I ran 30min hill session on the treadmill yesterday and will be playing squash tonight and five aside tomorrow. On Friday I will then aim to do two runs. On Sat I will be doing a three hour run. On Sunday I will be aiming for my first completing of 30miles.

Finally in the spirit of fat to fit I will clarify that currently weighing in at 14st and 8grams. The excess energy used for every few pounds is insane and so this an important factor.

I will message soon a just giving page and after that try to create blogs that are slightly more interesting.

So for now Run slightly less fat boy Run!

View from last time I ran over Beachy Head.

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