So time is ticking by and I'm currently sitting in the room of a lovely B&B in Inverness. First thing this morning at 5am I set off for the Loch Ness Marathon with Sam Robson and Pete Lefort. After a journey of 8.5hours we arrived in Inverness. For many of you the sun is shining and you are experiencing an Indian Summer of great proportions. This is not the case for us and the rain has been falling. Spirits are high with the hope for sunny spells tomorrow.
Once we unpacked and appreciated what seems to be a gem of a B&B we headed into town for the pasta party. After getting our race numbers and tucking into some carbs we returned to the B&B and are relaxing watching The King's Speech.
I have taken this time to ensure I have all the things that i require for tomorrow. It is somewhat unnerving preparing for a course of which I have no idea. Equally I am looking forward to the beauty of the Loch Ness.
There can be no denying that a marathon tests a person both physically and mentally. During the struggles I will embrace the strength and fight of Tim, a lovely man, who fought cancer with a courage that will get me over the line with plenty to spare. It is to this end that I also find myself in Inverness.
When Tim sadly entered the last few weeks of his life he did not falter in character nor did he diminish in his personal strength. A great portion of the credit and deepest thanks must go to St Wilfrid's hospice. Tim spent two weeks in the hospice. The support and comfort of the staff appeased his fears (as much as they can anyone). I don't believe a price can be put on the work and care offered by the hospice. In a world governed by profits this normally means a high end charge to accompany the service. St Wilfrid's place no charge on this service. Bringing a much more appropriate sentiment to 'priceless'. Everyone has access to the service and and a time of devastation the burden of not being able to afford such a service is removed. St Wilfrid's receive minimal government money and are left to raise £2950000 every single year.
The money needed by the hospice is why I find myself in a B&B in Inverness. It is for them I am trying to raise money and in turn am running 3marathons 1 1/2marathon and 1 ultramarathon (45-50mile run). All of this is being done in under 8weeks. To put that into perspective most reports note it takes nearly 6weeks to fully recover from 1 marathon.
I did not envisage when we were saying goodbye to Tim that I would undertaking such a challenge. Despite that by embracing life and challenges I am proud that I can in some way demonstrate a full fraction of the determination he showed.
The Hospice changes so many people's lives. If you ask my wife she will say that she holds many dear memories of her grandfather, Tim, and in addition her uncle who also was at the hospice. They touch the life of the family as well as the individual.
If you have been effected by cancer in some way and understand the value of places such as St Wilfrid's Hospice then please sponsor me.
You can sponsor me in two ways;
1. Www.justgiving.com/danpark
2. Text "DANP99" plus the amount (e.g £10) to 70070
Don't forget to agree to gift aid as this increases your donation by 25% at no additional cost to you. Please help me raise lots of money.
Thank you to you all. Next blog after the run :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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