Monday, 22 October 2012

X-Bionic Boxer Shorts

X-Bionic Boxer Shorts Review

The awareness of X-Bionic in this country appears to have rapidly grown almost over night. I love the proposed principle of "turn your sweat into energy." why not utilise the one thing that feels like my biggest hindrance during physical exertion.

My biggest concern with X-Bionic is the starting price. Nothing seems to come cheap. So is this a case of a company cashing in on a growing market and then to disappear when people realise the products are poor? Or is it the case that the prices reflect quality products that one will continue to want to own?

How to delve into the X-Bionic world without breaking the bank

There are a couple of products that don't cost the earth. The wallaby wristbands. These can be purchased for around £9 and I have already posted a review of them. The other and perhaps more telling piece of kit is their boxer shorts. At between £19 and £25 they are not cheap, but for most they will not cripple the bank account.

With this price range in mind I have purchased and tested the boxer shorts. Below is the review of this product.

A word of warning! It is very difficult to effectively review such an item without straying into the odd moment of TMI (Too much information) You have been warned :)

Initial Impressions

Upon arrival the boxer shorts present in a relatively unassuming manner. From within a simple box that is covered in information and explanations of technology you pull out a fairly normal looking pair of boxer shorts.

The have some orange v stripes on the front and back and are quite pleasant to the touch. Beyond this they are fairly unextraordinary!

I was hoping therefore that there was more substance than aesthetics to these boxer shorts.

Boxer shorts in use

I have now worn these boxer shorts out on a few runs. It has to be said that prior to wearing these boxers I've only ever really worn non-technical underwear. In a nutshell the underwear that I have worn has been from tesco. It neither has substance or aesthetics. With that said i can totally appreciate the common sense behind wearing technical underwear.

Normally on a run I am oblivious to what underwear I have. The exception to this is that moment as the sweat trickles down your back. I don't think I need to continue with this description. We have all been there and we all know it's not pleasant. My main surprise then was the complete removal of this unpleasant experience, whilst wearing these boxer shorts. My bum and upper thighs felt cool and a consistent temperature. It made me feel very aware of sweat elsewhere. There is a danger I may now need to try other x-bionic products to negate the sweat in these areas.

Any negatives to the product?

It's hard to find any significant fault with this product. They are comfortable to wear and appear to do the job they set out to do.

I found one small issue during the early stages of a run. This issue is that whilst the boxers first fit nicely they feel like they initially move/ruck up the leg slightly. The movement is only slight but initially felt slightly exaggerated. It is not uncomfortable and now I'm use to it I am barely conscious of it. I do wonder if this issue could be cured by making the legs of the boxers slightly longer?!


These boxer shorts are comfortable if not unique in the comfort they offer. What appears to be the outstanding element is that 1 hour in, 2hours in ...... These boxer shorts remain as comfortable as if they have been on for 5mins. With this in mind I anticipate these becoming a much loved element of my Ultra kit.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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