Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Fat to Fit Take 2! Week 3

So things seem to be catching a little bit of momentum now. Work and the real world has definitely got a vice like grip on my time, but I have resisted petty excuses not to train or generally pull my finger out. There has been some late night runs and some grab a run where I can runs, but all count and have stopped me cycling into an abyss of haribo and weight gain. 

Every time I train I remember how much I enjoy it and that spurs me on to train more. This motivation is all I need. The weight loss is really starting and it all feels a lot more achievable. My goal of the centurion running grandslam definitely does not seem in achievable at this moment in time, neither does my weight goal. 

Bad habits are easy to fall back into though and for me resisting eating crap continues to be the tiresome task that I am left with, but something that I am getting better at. My ability to manage moderation and resist is always enhanced when I train, hence why not training has a double negative effect. The same with alcohol I generally don't drink and when I train I really don't fancy it at all. This week was my best friends birthday gathering. I was quite content on Pepsi/water for the day. Granted a nice whiskey came out in the evening and whilst it was very enjoyable and great to catch up with mates over a drink, I will not be repeating it in a hurry. I felt pretty fuzzy the whole following day and my motivation to train dropped right back. So for me I shall be increasingly more selective and what no when I choose to drink alcohol and certainly not at times when it may jeopardise training.

I had a lovely meal out with the family this evening at Frankie and Benny's. Yes this may go against eating well etc, but when looked at in bigger picture the treat of eating out had me full and not tempted by junk at home. These rewards keep me motivated to sustain change. Don't forget the rewards in your own journey.

So after a fairly bland week from a notes point of view things are definitely going to be picking up and challenges increasing soon. Unless baby arrives before Sunday then my wife is being induced on Sunday. This means that our family is very soon to grow by one. This is simply amazing and something that we are very excited to be sharing and very excited for out son to become a big brother. I'm sure training challenges and tribulations are about to get even more elaborate and entertaining. Watch this space.

Starting Weight:14st 13.6lbs
Current Weight: 14st 8.4 lbs

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